Frequently Asked Questions


  • We offer weekly online peer groups held via Zoom, as well as one-on-one sessions with our facilitators to enhance social skill development. All subscriptions include weekly reporting, a moderated chatroom for peers to stay connected, and access to our digital health platform.

  • No. Our program, peer groups, and service delivery are conducted entirely online via Zoom. We are currently unable to assist families in locating in-person peer groups or matching peers based on geographical proximity.

  • Our program addresses a variety of issues and challenges that individuals with autism may face. Some of the issues and challenges that our social skills group therapy program may address include:

    Communication skills

    Many individuals with autism may have difficulty with verbal and nonverbal communication, including speaking, listening, and understanding social cues. Our program helps individuals develop and improve these skills.

    Social interactions

    Individuals with autism may struggle to form and maintain relationships. Our program teaches and practices skills such as making eye contact, initiating conversations, and engaging in group activities.

    Stress management

    Individuals with autism may experience stress and anxiety related to social interactions. Our program helps develop coping strategies for managing stress and anxiety in social situations.

    Building self-esteem

    Many individuals with autism may have low self-esteem due to social challenges and communication difficulties. Our program helps build confidence and self-worth through practicing and improving social skills.

  • Ascent welcomes individuals with autism that are ages 4 and above. Each peer group will consist of learners who are similar in age.

  • Peer groups meet on Zoom, and all peers have their video and audio on.

  • Peer groups typically consist of 3-7 peers.

  • We match groups based on factors such as age, interests, social skills level, and availability. Age-appropriate groups ensure developmental relevance, while matching based on interests makes the therapy experience engaging. Matching based on social skills level ensures that each person is in a group with peers who have similar needs and goals. Considering availability helps create a stable and effective therapy experience.

  • Peer group sessions run for 55 minutes each week at the same time and day. One-on-one sessions are 30 minutes.

  • Peers in a group can be from any state in the US and meet online with their peers each week.

Billing and Payment 

  • Yes, you can cancel services at any time. There are no contracts, and we offer a money-back guarantee.

  • You can view your payment method on file and all billing information by logging into your Ascent Autism account here.

  • We believe in our program’s efficacy so strongly that if your child attends every peer group and one-on-one session for three months and does not significantly improve their social skills, we will give you a full refund.

  • No, we are not currently in-network with any insurance providers. However, we do support families in submitting bills to their insurance companies for out-of-network reimbursement. Many families have had success receiving reimbursement through this process. We can provide the necessary documentation, including superbills and detailed receipts, to help with your submission. Please check with your insurance provider for specific details regarding out-of-network coverage and reimbursement procedures.


  • Yes, we accept Health Savings Account (HSA) and Flex Savings Account (FSA) cards. You can input your HSA/FSA card details during payment, and you will be all set. You will not need to go through the process of obtaining reimbursement.

Additional Questions 

  • To refer a family to Ascent Autism, please email us at

  • To get started, fill out our Get Started form, then purchase and schedule your assessment to determine if our program is a good fit. Assessments are 45 minutes long, conducted via Zoom, and held with a member of our care team and customer success team.